Boron is a vital yet underutilized, mineral trace which is available in certain dietary foods and in our environment. The benefits of boron mineral are protecting the skeleton structure, adding bone mass and preventing diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Many athletes also prefer taking boron supplements since it has potential of raising the level of testosterone. It is also used when exercising, for building body muscles and making the bones strong. Boron supplements are also used in boosting brain concentration, ability to learn and focus.
Natural boron is obtained in beans, avocados, whole foods and nuts. In fruits it can be obtained in oranges, plums, berries and grapes. It is also obtained from the water we drink but mostly from our diets. Boric acid B (OH) 3 if found in foods since it is naturally found in plants. Research shows that boron stabilized molecules in plants including sterols and polysaccharides, however, the exact mechanism of how it works in humans and plant(s) is unknown. Boron balances body PH levels and aids body to handle other vital minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium by producing digestion enzymes. Scientist claim that there is a lot more to be learnt with this mineral although, it has been linked with ability to increase estrogen in men and women. This is one reason that explains how it improves our cognitive abilities, reduce age related diseases and improves overall healthy bones.
We have listed 20 types of foods rich in boron content. Boron is also widely known to act as a food preservative due to its ability to kill bacteria. Fun fact: During the World War I, boron was added to food to act as a preservative. It was used to diminish pathogens and also prolong food freshness. Best sources of boron:
ü Onions, cherries, artichokes
ü Berries, cocoa, figs, milk
ü Beans, potatoes, walnuts
ü Apples, apricots, pecans
ü Plums, oranges, pears, red wine
ü Grapes, coffee, avocadoes
Use of boron is safe for human consumption. Farmers are widely known to provide their livestock with boron supplements and also soils to ease level of radiation. In industries boron is used to capture soil radioactivity, ionizing it to eliminate potential diseases such as cancer.
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