Shark cartilage is body elastic tissue enabling body support. It works similar to bones. The medicine is obtained from sharks as a treatment for cancer. This phenomenon is used because shark animals do not get cancer. The medicine is an extract from sharks found in Pacific Ocean. Shark cartilage is likely used to treat Kaposi Sarcoma, the type of cancer commonly associated with people having HIV infections. It is also used in treating psoriasis, eye retina, inflamed intestines, arthritis and open wounds.
Shark cartilage may be applied directly on skin while treating psoriasis and arthritis. It is SAFE for individuals taking it by mouth up t0 40 months and only applied on skin for 8 weeks or less. The recommended dosage depends on several body factors, overall health and age. There has not been any scientific information that shows the required daily dosage. Shark Cartilage is a natural product and we need to know the dosage before we take them. Check on the label or seek direction from a physician or pharmacist.
Cancer is a disease that develops blood vessels and aids their growth by provision of oxygen and food. Research shows that shark cartilage inhibits the growth of blood vessels. The theory supports breakdown of cancer blood vessels thus suppressing its growth. Angiogenesis is name given for cancer treatments which suppress growth of blood vessels. The internet is an easy way to get information. We have a lot of important data concerning cancer and its treatment. It is vital to know that we need to comprehend the information for it to be useful to us. Today, we have different forms of dietary supplements and shark cartilage is one of them.
Shark cartilage is medically and scientifically fit supplement that work on cancerous cells and blood vessels. We may consider it as an option instead of convectional treating methods. It is also good to work with your doctor to ensure you are taking the right dose of shark cartilage.
Intake of Shark Cartilage:
The capsules are common and one may swallow them using water.
It is also in form of liquid or powder form. You may mix the powder in water and take it as juice.
You may also inject shark cartilage under your skin.
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