Most of the proteins in the body are made up of Collagen. Collagen is responsible for the development of strong nails, Teeth and hair. It is the major component of the skin. Collagen is important for various processes in the body however, it decline begins in the early twenties and the group of people that are prone to this effect are the women who are already in menopause or those approaching the stage. Research has it that 30% of the skin collagen is lost towards menopause and a percentage of the skin elasticity is also lost during menopause. The effects of slowed collagen production are visibly obvious when the skin loses its structure.
The skin starts to develop sags and wrinkles this is due to the loss of the elements elastin and collagen for the renewal of the skin, Yes there are a number of factors that are known to make our skin not to function properly. The sun rays may damage our skin and the different environments that we expose ourselves. Due to the fore mentioned, the skin renewal rates are slowed down. It is good news that this can be replaced or supported. Collagen is a product of the marine nature ingredients of elastin polypeptides in the same ratio as it is the human skin. Active Collagen has a synergistic anti-wrinkle action: when taken orally, collagen and elastin stimulate the skin to haul up and tone sagging areas and minimize lines and wrinkles.
On the go, Collagen can also amplify the humidity level of dry skin and fight aging-related issues to free radical damage. Active Collagen polypeptides have a low molecular weight, making it water-soluble and with no trouble absorbed by the body. In a study of 43 women between the ages of 40 and 55 with crow's feet wrinkles, utilization of Active Collagen was found to diminish lines and wrinkles as well as to raise skin. It can be bought from the online site of the distributing company known as Vitasave; this is a Canadian company that sells the best-known supplements products for now a decade. Most of their products are discounted and cheap to an ordinary person. They not only sell these products cheaply but also their shipment is free of charge. They stock a variety of products including natural factors vitamin B12, Omega 3 and much better supplement products.