Flora flax oil is the incredible rich oil full of 0mega 3 &6 EFAs. It is unrefined and freshly made to support digestion, immune system, brain concentration, smooth skin as well as heart functioning and blood circulation. The flax oil is a superior type of oil which recommended to be used with no heat. The flax oil supplement is perishable and must always be kept refrigerated.
The bottles are also fitted with stamps on expiry dates, which ensure their freshness. If refrigerated, it must be consumed within 6 months or 1 year if frozen. Its ingredients include: polyunsaturated linoleic acid (omega 6), alpha linoleic acid (omega 3), monounsaturated oleic acid (omega 9) and polyunsaturated ALA. The essential fatty acids are used in provision of good body nutrition. The oil is cold pressed and sold in it unrefined state. Majority of flax seeds are obtained in Canada and US. They are highly selected to provide great quality essential fatty acids.
Our bodies need essential fatty acids in large amounts and we may never function without them. They are however sourced from supplements and the foods we take. The best ingredients from flora support healthy body since they are pure essential oils. Flora oils are certified by Quality Assurance International. The oils are manufactures in oxygen—light free environment, packed in dark bottles to eliminate light effects. They are packaged to ensure oxidation does not occur and a lot of care is taken. Flora oils also maintain their color, tastes and nutritional content thus providing the very best essential fatty acids from natural sources.
The ALA content in flax seeds aid in balancing cholesterol levels due to healthy fats build up. The HDL cholesterol move fats from the body and increases their level of excretion. Elimination of fats in our bodies balance body blood pressure and also improve immune cell functioning. The functioning membranes also improve cell functioning whenever they sense invaders. ALA also aid in hormone formation and improve fertility in males. The inflammatory process of ALA also treats arthritis.